Biyahe ng mga Bros: The Ministry Serye on building lives with the Dumagat and...
“Leaping the mountains, bounding the hills.” These must be a canticle on the hearts of the team. We remember the late Apo...
The Apostolate
Our apostolate, in general, since the very beginning has been identified with the parishes and schools. We have eight parishes and three of them...
Br. Michael A. Ocampo
Praise be to the Lord, who by His great love to humanity calls men to...
A year of seclusion and intense prayer
This intensive formation period allows these men to experience the Capuchin Franciscan way of life firsthand. As stated in the Capuchin Constitution, "the novitiate...requires a free and mature decision to try out our form of religious life" (Art. III, 31:1).