Our Charism

The Capuchins are contemplatives in action.

The Capuchins live the Gospel inspired by the life and ideals of St. Francis of Assisi. They are dedicated to serving those in need, living a simple life together as a community of brothers, and drawing closer to the Lord through prayer. They work to make sure that the light of Christ in those persons they serve is not being obscured by ignorance or injustice or poverty of any kind.
Through their charisms of Fraternity, Minority, Prayer and Contemplation, Ministry and Justice/Peace/Integrity of Creation, the Capuchins give hope to the world around them and help make the Kingdom of God present here and now.


| Our life as brothers is a fruit and a sign of the transforming power of the Gospel

Our life as brothers is a fruit and a sign of the transforming power of the Gospel and of the coming of the kingdom. Like the leaven of the Gospel, it calls us to promote genuine relationships among all people and nations so that the world may live as a single family under the gaze of its Creator.
– 13.4 Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars


Therefore we gladly live our life as brothers among the poor, sharing their distress and lowly state with great love. (14:3 Capuchin Constitutions) Minority leads us to life of simplicity and austerity, of availability and selfessness in work, and willingness to engage in what may seem difficult or inconvenient missions, apostolate or situation.

Prayer & Contemplation

| we make every effort to give priority to a life of prayer, especially contemplative prayer.

For this purpose we make every effort to give priority to a life of prayer, especially contemplative prayer. Living as pilgrims and strangers in this world, we practice, both individually and communally, radical poverty inspired by minority, and we propose a life of austerity and joyful penance out of love for the cross of the Lord.
– 5.3 Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars


We promote the apostolic dimension of our life by proclaiming the Gospel and in other various ways that are in harmony with our charism, while always preserving a spirit of minority and service.
– 5.5 Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

While we relieve the material and spiritual needs (of the poor), may our lives, actions and words be generously spent for the promotion of their human and Christian development.
– 14.4 Constitutions of the Capuchin Friars

“By doing this we manifest the spirit of our life as lesser brothers and become a leaven of justice, unity, and peace.”