
Knowing our purpose in life

It isn’t always easy to know to what way of life we are being called. St. Francis of Assisi himself didn’t understand from the beginning of his conversion what God wanted him to do, but St. Francis was open to the working of the Spirit in his life and was willing to follow where the Spirit was leading him. For us as well, if we are to hear the voice of God and to respond to His unique call for each one of us, we have to be open and receptive to the signs in our life that point the way to what we are meant to be. This listening and responding to God’s call for each one of us is called discernment and it is a process that gradually makes clear what we are being called to.



Discernment helps us to get in touch with the true, good and beautiful desires God has placed within us.

Prayer forD i s c e r n m e n t

The Capuchin Reform stressed a return to the poor, austere lifestyle embodied by St. Francis of Assisi. As the Capuchin Constitutions state: Let us cultivate radical poverty, both personal and communal, and out of love of the Lord’s Cross to lead a life of austerity and joyful penance. Our First Plenary Council also states that: Hearing with our own ears “the cry of the poor, rising up more urgently than ever” and seeing with our own eyes the subhuman condition of so many men and women “in their personal distress and collective misery,” (Apostolic Exhortation of Paul VI, Evangelica testificatio, 17), we felt the urgent call of the Spirit urging us to an ever more authentic faithfulness to our vocation. In a new and more insistent way we understood why our Constitutions call us to seek new forms of presence and activity, so that we may offer genuine assistance in the work of evangelizing and elevating human society.

Prayer for

O Most High, Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me true faith, certain hope, charity, sense, and knowledge, Lord, that I may carry out Your holy and true command, Amen.

-Saint Francis of Assisi